Thursday, May 16, 2013

Final reflection

1.) My expectations for the course were to learn about art through different ways and interpretations. I wanted to be able to look at art and appreciate it.  My expectations have been met.

2.)  Now, I think art is everything.  You can take anything you look at and see a form of art in it, similar to the one project we did where we took pictures of things around the house to represent the elements and principles of art.

3.) I do not really have a favorite artist.  I have learned to appreciate the different techniques of different artists.

4.) I enjoy online classes.  I have a busy schedule so it is nice to be able to do things at your own pace.  I had the same thoughts in the beginning as I have taken online classes before.

Art visit

Cincinatti Art Museum

1st picture: Richard Peers Symons, M.P., by Sir Joshua Reynolds, on canvas, 136x247 cm
2nd picture: Five-Faced Lingam (Pancamukhalinga), unknown, stone, 38 cm
3rd picture: Ann Ford (later Mrs. Philip Thicknesse), by Thomas Gainsborough, painting, 134x197 cm
1.) I selected the inspiration pieces because I liked how they looked, very poised and detailed.
2.) I selected the media to create my self portrait because I think pencil is easier to use for small deatils.
3.) Some challenges I faced creating the portrait was making my face and features proportioned.  I overcame this by making an even grid and setting my features in the grid.
4.) This piece represent me because it is a picture of me.
5.) In the picture I applied line, shape, value, and proportion.
6.) I did enjoy doing this project I learned a lot about myself.
7.) I think my final art work came out better than I expected.

Module 15 reflection

1.)  I reviewed "Being an Art Curator "Impressionism" ", "The Beauty in Darkness", and "True Beauty of Nature in Darkness". 
2.) I chose the exhibit I did because I was intrested in the pictures that were presented.
3.) Some of the challenges I faced writing the critque was how I could relate the exhibit to things in my life.  To overcome this I took some time viewing the image and thought about what came to my mind.
4.) I think critquing peer work is a good exercise and you can get some good feedback from someone who is in the same position you are.
5.) I would like to read my peer critiques because I would like some feedback and suggestions.
6.) On a scale from 1-10 I would rate my article an 8.  I did not meet the length requirement but I fulfilled the requirements of what needed to be included in the article.
7.) I did enjoy working on this project.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Module 15

1.) In the Greenberg on Art Criticism: An Interview by T. J. Clark video I learned about this particular artists experience with the evolution of art criticisms into mondern art.  He also talks about the "culture boom" which is when art began to evolve after WWII.  In the The Critics: Stories from the Inside Pages video I learned about what critics though of art through the findings of a man who traveled the world to discover the answers.  He learned how crtitics began their work and stuggles they faced.  In the video The Colonial Encounter: Views of Non-Western Art and Culture I learned about non western culture and its influence on art in ways through ethnography and art consumption.
2.)  The videos relate to the Art criticism project by adding depth to the insight of art critics and what they experience and how different places view things differently.
3.) I thought the films did a good job expanding my knowledge of the topic.  They added more real life understanding.

Project 4 Reflection

For my project I just thought about what love means.  Then I thought about what love is composed of.  I came up with passion, devotion, heartbreak, etc.  I found images that were mostly colorful because I relate color to happiness and happiness to love.  I found images that I could relate to.  I chose a standard format for the presentation and changed the backround color to flow with the image for the slide.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Module 13 & 14

1.) In the The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art video I learned about curator art and how it is done and from different artists perspectives.  In the Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach video I learned about different issues that occur and what goes into the displaying of artwork in art museums.  In the Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeology video I learned about the different findings that are still occuring with Native American findings.  In the An Acquiring Mind: Philippe de Montebello and The Metropolitan Museum of Art video I learned about Philippe de Montebello and his contibutions to the artworld.

2.) The videos shed light a little for my project.  They were not a direct reflection or anything designed to my project but gave me some insight.

3.) I thought the films added depth to my knowledge and understading to the art concepts I came across while doing my project.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Modlue 11

I went to an art gallery in Miami, FL. The website is
The sotry of my life
What color is love

Color Me

There wasn't really a title of the exihibiton but I Would title it Life, Love, and Happiness.  The theme of the exhibition is life and love. The type of lighting used was bright lighting. The color of the walls were black.  The materials used was acrylic on wood.  The movement of the viewer through the space was tight.  There is no organization to the artworks.  The gallery was small and everything was placed where it could fit.  The artworks are similar by the artist using the same themes and colors.  They are different because they are each representing different aspects of the themes.  The artworks were just on display they were not framed.  The artworks were defined and labled by having a label with the name of the artwork on it.  The artwork was relatively near eachother but not grouped together.

Art Criticism:

-The Story of My Life: 20"x20"x78"-material: acrylic on wood
        In this piece of art I see many symbols for what they artist is trying to depcit symbols to represent what the person went through in their life.  This piece of art uses a lot of color and shapes.  It also uses rhythm to pull the piece together and  make the idea flow throughout, this would also classify as unity as well.  I think this piece of art is very symbolic and describes things that people go through in life so the viewer an realate.

-What color is love: 17"x36"- materials used: acrylic paint of epoxy
      In this piece of art I see many symbols that represent things that people love.  This piece uses a lot of color to represent all the different things and to make it a happy piece because it is trying to depict love.  Like the other piece this one too uses a lot of color and shapes.  It is made to look like a person because people are what love things and are who can appreciate those things to love.  The artwork uses unity to make all the symbols relate and make sense.

-Color Me:14"x14"x80"- materials used: acrylic paint on epoxy
        In this piece the artist used a lot of color and I think it was to represent different emotions and things that people feel.  It represents different things that make up a person.  The artist also made the sculpture to look like a person because they were trying to depict how we can use color to represent things about a person.  Again the artisit is using a lot of color and unity to make the artwork and symbols flow.

*I thought it was interesting to look at an exhibit from this perspective to see into how the artist was thingking and why they make things or set things up in certain ways.  Normally when you go to an art museum you don't think to look at these aspects of it.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Module 12

1.) I selected the videos that I did because I wanted to learn more about the different forms of art during the different times.

2.) In the video Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the '50s and '60s I learned about the transition of art into this new pop culture idea and got to see real examples.  In the video Uncertainty: Modernity and Art I learned about a couple artists work and the relationships changed between art and the modern world.

3.) The videos related to the text my enhancing my knowledge and understanding of the readings by giving more visual examples.

4.) I thought the films were very insightful and educational.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Module 11

1.) I chose both the videos I did because I wanted to learn more about the artists.
2.) In the video Matisse and Picasso I learned more about each of them as artists and saw more of a variety of their artwork.  In The Mystical North: Spanish Artform in the 19th Century to Present I learned about different artists from that time period and what art was like back then.
3.) The videos relate to the readings and the text by showing and explainging more about the artists of this time period.
4.) I thought the films did a good job at enhancing my knowledge of the artists of the time period and how art was done and viewed in the 19th century.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Module 10-masks

This mask is an example of an Ecuadorian mask.  There is good use of pattern and color to express what they want the viewer to feel.

This is tha famous and most common Mardi Gras mask.  They are made in a variety of colors and designs.  Patten is used to represent oposites and color is used to help alternate the oposite ideas.

This is the typical spiderman mask.  It used line and dark color to show power and line to represent a spider web.

I selected these pieces because they are famous masks that represent different things and have different interpretations around the world.

This is the sketch of my mask.

This is my 3-D mask.  The material I used was paper mache.  I used watercolor to color the mask.  I went with dark colors for power like the ones I researched.  The colors are used in a way of balance.  It is used equally throughout the mask.  This is like the representation from the Mardi Gras masks.

Module 10 videos

1.) The videos I chose to watch were Islamic Art: India and the Middle East and Buddhism.  I chose each of these videos because I wanted to learn more about their art forms and reasons behind why they do what they do.

2.) In the Islamic Art: India and the Middle East I learned more about Islamic art more specifically in India and in the Middle East and how their art forms are similar and different.  In the Buddhism video I learned about their religion and their art form of Buddah that is used for worhship.

3.) These videos helped enhance my knowledge of these topics further from what the text taught me.

4.) I thought the films did a good job at helping further my understanding of the topic that were in the text.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

hand drawing

1.) It was not unusual using my hands as subject matter in a drawing.  It is a common thing to use.
2.) I used a pencil because I did not have charcol and I feel it was easier to handle.
3.) It was awkward creating a drawing with my non dominant hand.
4.) My drawings are terrible and not a successful study.
5.) I would not consider using my non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future.

Module 9

1.)  I chose the videos that I did because I wanted to learn more about the two most famous artists.

2.) In the video "The Drawings of Michelangelo" I learned about the artist himself and about his artwork and what inspired him.  In the video "Leonardo de Vinci: The Mind of the Renissance" I learned about his work during those times and how it ivolved from others.

3.) The videos related to the text by elaborating on the discussions of each artist throught the book.

4.) I like the videos, I thought they expanded my knowlege on each of the most famous artist of their times.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Module 8

1.) I selected the Birth of the Middle Ages because I wanted to learn more about its history.  I selected Art and Life in the Middle Ages: Luttrell Psalter because I wanted to learn and see more about what the art looked like during that time.

2.)  In the video More Human than Human I learned how human sculptures began to exist and learned about one of the first ones, Venus of Willendorf.  In the Birth of the Middle Ages I learned that there are still part of the world today where it still exists and is reality.  In the video of Art and Life in the Middle Ages: Luttrell Psalter I learned about his book and the details contained in it such as monsters appearing on every page, the things he left behind when he passed, etc..

3.)  The videos relate to the readings by elaborating what we are reading and showing other real life examples.

4.) I thought the films were good and added more to my knowledge from what I learned in the text. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Module 7

1.) In the video "Architecture: The Science of Design" i learned a lot about sky scrapers and how they have to be designed in a special way due to the wind.  I also learned how the wind effects the building and moves around it.  In the video "Classical Architecture" I learned about the different pieces of archtitecture in Greece such as the columns.

2.)  The videos related to the reading by showing diagrams and acutal pictures of how architecture stands and is built.

3.)  I though the films did a good job at expanding my knowledge and understanding of architecture in more depth.

4.)  I chose both of those films because I wanted to know how architecture was designed. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Project 1 Response

1.) (Project #1)  (Project #2)
2.)  I agreed with the elements and principles that were discussed in this blog.  I believe they had a full understanding of the artwork and knew what they were looking at, I saw the same things and could see why they did too.
3.)  I did not see any images that were the same as my own.
4.) Yes, I am interested in the heads picture from project #2.  I would like to know what they mean or represent.  Things about other cultures interest me because they have a different way of depicting things than we do.
5.)  I do find reflecting on others work help me learn because they may see or understand something better than I did so it helps me to see things from a different perspective.
6.) Yes I do find their comments helpful.

Module 6

1.)In the Through the Eyes of a Sculptor video I learned a lot about sculpting. It is a very detailed and time consuming hobby. In the video "Glass and Ceramics" I learned how glass is made. It is a very interesting process. In the Installation Art video I learned what installation art is. Each artist defines it differently. One artist believes it defines how someting takes up space and only the artist can tell you that. Another artist will tell you it describes the attitude of the artwork.
2.) The videos relate to the readings by actually showing us what the reading are talking about. It is depicting how things are done and showing us the things that are probably going through our head as we are reading trying to picture what they are like.
3.) I thought the films were very enlightening and interesting.  It was interesting to see how things are sculpted and how glass was made.  The book can only tell you so much but you get a different understanding and appreciation for it when you get to see it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


1.) The two pictures that made an impact or imprrssion on me are:

Sandra Cinto

Tempest in Red, 2009

acrylic and permanent pen on canvas

Receptoin Automnale, 1953
Paul Emile Borduas

oil on canvas

---->The first picture made an impression on me because  of all the tiny little details that went into it to make one big idea.  The second picture made an impression one me because of all the colors used.  There is such a variety in this picture and it is just colors, no real picture just color.
2.)  The two pictures that I feel a connection to are:

Peregrine Honig

                Fairy Puke, 2010

             mixed media on paper

Carol Blanchard
oil on Masonite
Vainglory, 1944
----> I can relate to the first artwork becasue I feel like it resembles a female having enough and throwing up emotions or whatever is maybe stressing her out.  I feel like I can relate to the second picture because it is a woman looking at her reflection and they are connected.  I can relate to that because no matter what you see in the mirror it is a reflection of you inside and out and you can not escape yourself.
3.)  The artwork I would like to know more about are the following:        

David Batchelor                         

Spectrum of Hackney Road I, 2002-2003

found objects, fluorescent light, and cable
dimensions variable



James Howell

               94.75-96.66 10/26/03, 2003

                 acrylic on canvas

---> I would like to know more about both of these pieces of art because I am not sure the porpose of them.  They are both very cool and unique but I would like to understand the artists point for them and what they are trying to really tell us. 



Saturday, March 2, 2013

Module 5

" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" />" style="border:none;" />" target="_blank">" style="border:none;" alt="afaed200's Module 5 album on Photobucket" />

1.)  When I was deciding on what to do to create my logo I decided to use my initials because that represents me and different colors to depict each emotion and feeling that I feel.
2.) I drew a few different ways that I could draw my initials and then decided which one I liked best.
3.)The most important discovery was really decided what emotions I feel and what colors I feel would represent them the best.
4.)The most important information I learned was realizing what it really takes to decide a logo.  They really incorporate every aspect into the logo and everything the company or whoever is about is a part of that logo.  It takes a long time and when we see logos we do not realize what went into that, the planning, drawing, meanings behind it for us to see the final product.

Friday, February 22, 2013


" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" />" style="border:none;" />" target="_blank">" style="border:none;" alt="afaed200's Color album on Photobucket" />
1.) While creating the value scale and color wheel I was just concentrating on getting the right color and amount of color.
2.) I enjoyed working with the paint the best because when you mixed it together it made different colors.
3.) The most important creation in these studies I think was to get the artist perspective on how they need to use their media.
4.) I thought the videos while short were educational, I still learned a alot.  The most important thing I learned was that the primary colors are not what we were taught they were and how to make them.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Project #1

Line: The picure I chose was a table runner that had a line pattern.  It reflected verticle or horizontal lines depending on how you look at it.

Shape: The picture I used was closet doors.  They showed geometrical shapes.

Forms:  The picture I used was a candle piece it showed 3 dimensional shapes.

Space: This picture shows how things are spaced evenly apart from each other for a specific look.

Color:  This picture shows many different colors put together.

Texture:  This is a pitcure of a blanket to depict softness.

Balance: This shows baskets hanging on a wall in equal balance around the window.

Movement: This is a picture of an animal in movement.

Pattern: Repeated pattern on a pillow.

Repition: This is a rug and the pattern to me looks like its continual.

Proportion: The wall hangings are proportionately spaced out around the window.

Rhythm: This picture shows a pattern in an organized movement.

Variety:  This is a picture of someone drawing.  The viewer could be paying attention to what the subject is doing or to the thing he is doing or anything in the background.

Unity: This object comes together to make a piece of art.

Emphasis: The artist did the flowers in red to draw emphasis to them.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


1.) Color is a perceptual property that communicates with the human eye.  Color has a significant effect on people's emotions.  Certain colors can make someone happy, sad, hungry, angry.

2.) The aspect of color that most fascinates is how it effects an individual.  I think that is fascinating because it is something we don't think about when we look at something.  Everything we look at has color and we don't pay much attention to it or realize the effect it has on us.

3.) The biggest impact the video had on me with regard to emotions was that color can effect emotions.  Not just emotions but moods and attitudes as well.

4.) In the video what made the biggest impact on me was that the lady who was painting was having such a hard time enjoying her work because the color was off.  She needed the right shade to depict what she saw and the emotions she felt.  No one really understands or thinks about colors in that way.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Module 2-Aesthetics

1.) In the Philosophy of Arts video I learned about the different ways aesthetics can be interpreted and the different ways beauty can be looked at to mean.  I also learned how aesthetics developed and evolved over time and the beginnings of art.  The second video and article taught me the same thing sort of.  They both discussed how our brain interprets art and aesthetics and how we go from visualizing something to our brains interpreting it.

2.) I believe Aristitles (4th Century) theory of aesthetics is important. He looked at beauty in terms of tragedy and unities. The three unities he saw beauty in were time, action and places. He believed beauty could be told in these aspects and through poems. Poems could tell stories which he believed had a beginning, middle, and an end. We follow the same notion today. He saw the entity of action as tragedy representing a single action with no subplots and each action should be a consequence of what happened before. Time should be in a period of no more than a day. And the action should happen in the same place. I feel Aristotles theory of aesthetics is important because we follow the same ideas today and he based his idea of beauty through tragedy which is something everyone can relate to and can be expressed easily.

3.) I thought ach lecture was interesting in how they believe our brains interpret art and tranform visual contexts.

4.) The videos and articles relate to the texts by talking about how artists depict things differently to bring things to life for us.  Artists have a more creativness about them which they use to describe things visually to others to enhance life.

5.) I think the videos added more information than the texts did by giving more information about each philospher which I do not believe the book talked about all of those in the video.  It also was able to show us more images than the book to help us understand each artist and their theory.  The article went more in depth than the book about how our brian interprets art and visuals.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

First Blog

1. The process of setting up the gmail account and blog account was easy if you followed the powerpoints.
2. I expect to learn more than just the basic everyday knowledge that the average person thinks they know when looking at a piece of art.
3. I am a very busy person having a full time job and taking 18 credit hours so an online course is very conveinant for me.

New Post

New Post!!-testing