Sunday, March 3, 2013


1.) The two pictures that made an impact or imprrssion on me are:

Sandra Cinto

Tempest in Red, 2009

acrylic and permanent pen on canvas

Receptoin Automnale, 1953
Paul Emile Borduas

oil on canvas

---->The first picture made an impression on me because  of all the tiny little details that went into it to make one big idea.  The second picture made an impression one me because of all the colors used.  There is such a variety in this picture and it is just colors, no real picture just color.
2.)  The two pictures that I feel a connection to are:

Peregrine Honig

                Fairy Puke, 2010

             mixed media on paper

Carol Blanchard
oil on Masonite
Vainglory, 1944
----> I can relate to the first artwork becasue I feel like it resembles a female having enough and throwing up emotions or whatever is maybe stressing her out.  I feel like I can relate to the second picture because it is a woman looking at her reflection and they are connected.  I can relate to that because no matter what you see in the mirror it is a reflection of you inside and out and you can not escape yourself.
3.)  The artwork I would like to know more about are the following:        

David Batchelor                         

Spectrum of Hackney Road I, 2002-2003

found objects, fluorescent light, and cable
dimensions variable



James Howell

               94.75-96.66 10/26/03, 2003

                 acrylic on canvas

---> I would like to know more about both of these pieces of art because I am not sure the porpose of them.  They are both very cool and unique but I would like to understand the artists point for them and what they are trying to really tell us. 




  1. I loved all of the works you chose. They are so different but each one caught my attention and made me take a closer look. I want to know more about each of these artists and why they created the work they did.

  2. I like all your selections but the one I enjoyed most was David Batchelor's Spectrum of Hackney Road I. The casters with lights are an interesting installation type work of art. I like different and unusual pieces that make you think. This one does that and is a good choice. Nice job!

  3. This was another blog I was surprised not to see any of the pieces that I spent some time focusing on. I really do like the David Batchelor, Spectrum of Hackney Road I, 2002-2003 and Paul Emile Borduas Receptoin Automnale, 1953. I am a huge fan of the installation art pieces and the David Batchelor piece is oddly unique. Paul Emile Borduas's piece was one that I took some time out to see how he actually planned it. I was more surprised how close some of the paintings allowed you to get so you could really see the depth in the paint and pencil marks beneath.

  4. I really liked the pieces of artwork you chose for the questions. I would have to say I would also like to know more about what the artists were thinking when they did the Spectrum of Hackney Road I, and the acrylic on canvas, to me it just looks like scooters with lights under them and the other looks like blank canvases on the wall. I am just wondering how this is art?

  5. The pieces that you chose were very unique. I like that you picked art that I did not notice when I walked through the gallery because it makes me want to go back to see the art in person. My favorite that you chose is Fairy Puke.
