Saturday, March 23, 2013

Module 8

1.) I selected the Birth of the Middle Ages because I wanted to learn more about its history.  I selected Art and Life in the Middle Ages: Luttrell Psalter because I wanted to learn and see more about what the art looked like during that time.

2.)  In the video More Human than Human I learned how human sculptures began to exist and learned about one of the first ones, Venus of Willendorf.  In the Birth of the Middle Ages I learned that there are still part of the world today where it still exists and is reality.  In the video of Art and Life in the Middle Ages: Luttrell Psalter I learned about his book and the details contained in it such as monsters appearing on every page, the things he left behind when he passed, etc..

3.)  The videos relate to the readings by elaborating what we are reading and showing other real life examples.

4.) I thought the films were good and added more to my knowledge from what I learned in the text. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Module 7

1.) In the video "Architecture: The Science of Design" i learned a lot about sky scrapers and how they have to be designed in a special way due to the wind.  I also learned how the wind effects the building and moves around it.  In the video "Classical Architecture" I learned about the different pieces of archtitecture in Greece such as the columns.

2.)  The videos related to the reading by showing diagrams and acutal pictures of how architecture stands and is built.

3.)  I though the films did a good job at expanding my knowledge and understanding of architecture in more depth.

4.)  I chose both of those films because I wanted to know how architecture was designed. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Project 1 Response

1.) (Project #1)  (Project #2)
2.)  I agreed with the elements and principles that were discussed in this blog.  I believe they had a full understanding of the artwork and knew what they were looking at, I saw the same things and could see why they did too.
3.)  I did not see any images that were the same as my own.
4.) Yes, I am interested in the heads picture from project #2.  I would like to know what they mean or represent.  Things about other cultures interest me because they have a different way of depicting things than we do.
5.)  I do find reflecting on others work help me learn because they may see or understand something better than I did so it helps me to see things from a different perspective.
6.) Yes I do find their comments helpful.

Module 6

1.)In the Through the Eyes of a Sculptor video I learned a lot about sculpting. It is a very detailed and time consuming hobby. In the video "Glass and Ceramics" I learned how glass is made. It is a very interesting process. In the Installation Art video I learned what installation art is. Each artist defines it differently. One artist believes it defines how someting takes up space and only the artist can tell you that. Another artist will tell you it describes the attitude of the artwork.
2.) The videos relate to the readings by actually showing us what the reading are talking about. It is depicting how things are done and showing us the things that are probably going through our head as we are reading trying to picture what they are like.
3.) I thought the films were very enlightening and interesting.  It was interesting to see how things are sculpted and how glass was made.  The book can only tell you so much but you get a different understanding and appreciation for it when you get to see it.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


1.) The two pictures that made an impact or imprrssion on me are:

Sandra Cinto

Tempest in Red, 2009

acrylic and permanent pen on canvas

Receptoin Automnale, 1953
Paul Emile Borduas

oil on canvas

---->The first picture made an impression on me because  of all the tiny little details that went into it to make one big idea.  The second picture made an impression one me because of all the colors used.  There is such a variety in this picture and it is just colors, no real picture just color.
2.)  The two pictures that I feel a connection to are:

Peregrine Honig

                Fairy Puke, 2010

             mixed media on paper

Carol Blanchard
oil on Masonite
Vainglory, 1944
----> I can relate to the first artwork becasue I feel like it resembles a female having enough and throwing up emotions or whatever is maybe stressing her out.  I feel like I can relate to the second picture because it is a woman looking at her reflection and they are connected.  I can relate to that because no matter what you see in the mirror it is a reflection of you inside and out and you can not escape yourself.
3.)  The artwork I would like to know more about are the following:        

David Batchelor                         

Spectrum of Hackney Road I, 2002-2003

found objects, fluorescent light, and cable
dimensions variable



James Howell

               94.75-96.66 10/26/03, 2003

                 acrylic on canvas

---> I would like to know more about both of these pieces of art because I am not sure the porpose of them.  They are both very cool and unique but I would like to understand the artists point for them and what they are trying to really tell us. 



Saturday, March 2, 2013

Module 5

" flashvars="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" />" style="border:none;" />" target="_blank">" style="border:none;" alt="afaed200's Module 5 album on Photobucket" />

1.)  When I was deciding on what to do to create my logo I decided to use my initials because that represents me and different colors to depict each emotion and feeling that I feel.
2.) I drew a few different ways that I could draw my initials and then decided which one I liked best.
3.)The most important discovery was really decided what emotions I feel and what colors I feel would represent them the best.
4.)The most important information I learned was realizing what it really takes to decide a logo.  They really incorporate every aspect into the logo and everything the company or whoever is about is a part of that logo.  It takes a long time and when we see logos we do not realize what went into that, the planning, drawing, meanings behind it for us to see the final product.