Sunday, April 28, 2013

Modlue 11

I went to an art gallery in Miami, FL. The website is
The sotry of my life
What color is love

Color Me

There wasn't really a title of the exihibiton but I Would title it Life, Love, and Happiness.  The theme of the exhibition is life and love. The type of lighting used was bright lighting. The color of the walls were black.  The materials used was acrylic on wood.  The movement of the viewer through the space was tight.  There is no organization to the artworks.  The gallery was small and everything was placed where it could fit.  The artworks are similar by the artist using the same themes and colors.  They are different because they are each representing different aspects of the themes.  The artworks were just on display they were not framed.  The artworks were defined and labled by having a label with the name of the artwork on it.  The artwork was relatively near eachother but not grouped together.

Art Criticism:

-The Story of My Life: 20"x20"x78"-material: acrylic on wood
        In this piece of art I see many symbols for what they artist is trying to depcit symbols to represent what the person went through in their life.  This piece of art uses a lot of color and shapes.  It also uses rhythm to pull the piece together and  make the idea flow throughout, this would also classify as unity as well.  I think this piece of art is very symbolic and describes things that people go through in life so the viewer an realate.

-What color is love: 17"x36"- materials used: acrylic paint of epoxy
      In this piece of art I see many symbols that represent things that people love.  This piece uses a lot of color to represent all the different things and to make it a happy piece because it is trying to depict love.  Like the other piece this one too uses a lot of color and shapes.  It is made to look like a person because people are what love things and are who can appreciate those things to love.  The artwork uses unity to make all the symbols relate and make sense.

-Color Me:14"x14"x80"- materials used: acrylic paint on epoxy
        In this piece the artist used a lot of color and I think it was to represent different emotions and things that people feel.  It represents different things that make up a person.  The artist also made the sculpture to look like a person because they were trying to depict how we can use color to represent things about a person.  Again the artisit is using a lot of color and unity to make the artwork and symbols flow.

*I thought it was interesting to look at an exhibit from this perspective to see into how the artist was thingking and why they make things or set things up in certain ways.  Normally when you go to an art museum you don't think to look at these aspects of it.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Module 12

1.) I selected the videos that I did because I wanted to learn more about the different forms of art during the different times.

2.) In the video Abstract Expressionism and Pop: Art of the '50s and '60s I learned about the transition of art into this new pop culture idea and got to see real examples.  In the video Uncertainty: Modernity and Art I learned about a couple artists work and the relationships changed between art and the modern world.

3.) The videos related to the text my enhancing my knowledge and understanding of the readings by giving more visual examples.

4.) I thought the films were very insightful and educational.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Module 11

1.) I chose both the videos I did because I wanted to learn more about the artists.
2.) In the video Matisse and Picasso I learned more about each of them as artists and saw more of a variety of their artwork.  In The Mystical North: Spanish Artform in the 19th Century to Present I learned about different artists from that time period and what art was like back then.
3.) The videos relate to the readings and the text by showing and explainging more about the artists of this time period.
4.) I thought the films did a good job at enhancing my knowledge of the artists of the time period and how art was done and viewed in the 19th century.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Module 10-masks

This mask is an example of an Ecuadorian mask.  There is good use of pattern and color to express what they want the viewer to feel.

This is tha famous and most common Mardi Gras mask.  They are made in a variety of colors and designs.  Patten is used to represent oposites and color is used to help alternate the oposite ideas.

This is the typical spiderman mask.  It used line and dark color to show power and line to represent a spider web.

I selected these pieces because they are famous masks that represent different things and have different interpretations around the world.

This is the sketch of my mask.

This is my 3-D mask.  The material I used was paper mache.  I used watercolor to color the mask.  I went with dark colors for power like the ones I researched.  The colors are used in a way of balance.  It is used equally throughout the mask.  This is like the representation from the Mardi Gras masks.

Module 10 videos

1.) The videos I chose to watch were Islamic Art: India and the Middle East and Buddhism.  I chose each of these videos because I wanted to learn more about their art forms and reasons behind why they do what they do.

2.) In the Islamic Art: India and the Middle East I learned more about Islamic art more specifically in India and in the Middle East and how their art forms are similar and different.  In the Buddhism video I learned about their religion and their art form of Buddah that is used for worhship.

3.) These videos helped enhance my knowledge of these topics further from what the text taught me.

4.) I thought the films did a good job at helping further my understanding of the topic that were in the text.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

hand drawing

1.) It was not unusual using my hands as subject matter in a drawing.  It is a common thing to use.
2.) I used a pencil because I did not have charcol and I feel it was easier to handle.
3.) It was awkward creating a drawing with my non dominant hand.
4.) My drawings are terrible and not a successful study.
5.) I would not consider using my non-dominant hand to create artwork in the future.

Module 9

1.)  I chose the videos that I did because I wanted to learn more about the two most famous artists.

2.) In the video "The Drawings of Michelangelo" I learned about the artist himself and about his artwork and what inspired him.  In the video "Leonardo de Vinci: The Mind of the Renissance" I learned about his work during those times and how it ivolved from others.

3.) The videos related to the text by elaborating on the discussions of each artist throught the book.

4.) I like the videos, I thought they expanded my knowlege on each of the most famous artist of their times.